Monday, May 18, 2020

The Era Of The 19th And 20th Centuries - 1664 Words

1: The era of the 19th and 20th centuries in Europe was largely defined by imperialism and nationalism. How did these concepts influence the manner in which the world wars were fought? In what ways are they global ideals? How did these notions cause the wars to become global in nature? What role did the colonies play in the wars? What changes did the wars bring to relationships between European countries and their colonies? Imperialism is the concept of European dominance of non-Western lands through economic exploitation and political rule. Nationalism, on the other hand, is an ideology that says that all people derive their identities from their nations, which are defined by common language, shared cultural traditions, and sometimes†¦show more content†¦When war broke out, these rivalries led to different sides of war. One nation’s ally’s enemies were also their enemies. Furthermore, the countries that were overtaken by European nations such as Britain, Germany, and Russia were often forced into battle on the side of their rulers. Nationalism was also a cause of the Great War because this form of extreme patriotism placed the interests of one’s own country above all other countries. Citizens of any one particular country thought that their nation was without blame, that their enemies were in the wrong, and that a European war was both necessary and winnable, no matter the size of their military. Nationalism and imperialism were both global ideas because the majority of European nations could be described as such during this time period. Imperialism created an extensive web of allies and enemies that was extremely intertwined and difficult to unravel, which caused both the Great War and the Second World War. While nationalism and imperialism are underlying causes of both World Wars, imperialism was a cause to a lesser extent of World War II. By this time, many nations were fighting for and winning their independence. The World Wars, World War II in particular, led to a change in the relationships between European nations. By the end of the Second World War, Germany was seen, almost universally, as the nation to blame for the catastrophic events of the 1930s-1940s. The Allies becameShow MoreRelated The Purpose of Theatre during the 20th Century1722 Words   |  7 Pagesduring the 20th Century Throughout centuries, theatre has been an enormous impact throughout society. During the 18th century, theatre had played a significant role to society because it emphasized Rationalism (The Age of Reason), which began to lead away from the limitations of Neoclassicism. Then in the 19th century, theatre was important because it introduced Melodrama or music drama to increasingly emphasize the emotions and personalities of the characters. 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